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Crime Prevention


The Alert Neighbors Program has demonstrated an alert and cooperative citizenry, cooperating with an effective, responsive police force, can make a great contribution in waging an intensive and effective attack on crime resulting in a substantial decrease in the number of residential crimes.

  • We are enlisting the public to show concern for their neighbors' protection and well-being by using their eyes and ears to broaden and bolster the department.  Each person is requested to be alert for any trouble concerning their neighbors of any suspicious circumstances in their neighborhood.
  • Crime prevention is everybody's business, but enforcement and investigation are police duties. Residents should not take action of an enforcement nature. We are asking simply that you "observe and report." Assume the responsibility in any suspicious situation by calling the police to investigate.
  • Our records indicate that most burglaries occur during daylight hours. This is the time to be particularly alert for any suspicious circumstances. If you're going out for dinner or leaving your home unattended for any reason, give your neighbor a call and ask that he keep an eye and an ear tuned for any activity at your home during your absence. All too often when investigating a burglary, we learn that a neighbor did see or hear something but didn't think anything of it at the time.
  • Thieves are targeting vehicles that are unlocked or not alarmed. They look for cellular phones, electronic devices, cash, and other valuables. Please don't leave valuables in your car.

Burglary Prevention Tips

There's a burglary every 12 seconds.  Burglars prefer to prey on empty houses.  Below are lists you should consult to help prevent burglaries.

Keep your home safe from the outside:

  1. Change your locks when moving into a new house.
  2. Do not hide a spare key outside; give it to a trusted neighbor.
  3. Have a good safe lock (use a bolt when out since plastic cards can't open a bolted lock).  
  4. Never admit strangers without full identification.
  5. Report broken or inadequate street lights.
  6. Don't leave home and car keys together. Your address can be obtained from plate numbers and keys can be quickly duplicated.
  7. Don't give out personal information over the telephone.  Report all suspicious phone calls to the police.
  8. Report to the police any suspicious strangers in your neighborhood or people coming to your door asking strange or vague questions about your neighbors and their whereabouts.
  9. Do not put your name in front of your house; burglars can use it to find your phone number and call to check whether you're home.
  10. Don't "advertise" your possessions; open draperies and blinds can make a "showcase" of your home.

Keep your home safe from burglars:

  1. Store equipment inside your house.
  2. Be alert for unusual activities, suspicious people, or sounds such as breaking glass, ringing alarms or hammering.
  3. Report suspicious cars or panel trucks parked on your street.
  4. Keep garage doors closed when not it use.
  5. Place a strip of wood on the inside tracks of sliding doors and windows.
  6. Use lights effectively - leave several lights on in different areas both inside and outside of the house and ensure outside lights are high enough to prevent an intruder from tampering with them.
  7. Secure all doors and entrance ways at night and when leaving. Don't forget patio doors on higher levels.
  8. Have effective window locks - insert a small nail through the top and bottom of window sash.
  9. Carefully check references of maids and cleaning women.
  10. Keep all valuables in a safe.

While you're away on vacation:

  1. In the summer, have lawns mowed and your yard kept up.  In the winter, have your sidewalks shoveled.
  2. Put all outside articles inside for storage.
  3. Stop all deliveries of milk, paper, cleaners, mail, etc.
  4. Notify the police of your absence and length of stay and where you can be reached during an emergency.
  5. Don't discuss your absence in public - give information to the newspapers after you return.
  6. Use a clock timer for your lights. Ask your neighbor to replace any burnt-out light bulbs.
  7. Arrange for a neighbor to park in your driveway.
  8. Valuables should be stored in a vault or safe deposit box.


Identification of your valuables is another key step in the prevention of burglaries.  Keep a list of all serial numbers, have your silverware and jewelry engraved, and take photographs or make sketches of valuable property.