Boards, Commissions & Committees
Boards and Commissions Application
Blighted Property Review Committee
The committee examines properties within the Township and determines if a property is blighted according to eight conditions that are outlined in the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law.
- Richard Smith
- Alexandra Solarz
- Open
- Paula Gasper, Board Liaison
- Redevelopment Authority
Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors audits, settles and adjusts the accounts of all elected or appointed officials of the Township, and its boards or agencies, that received or disbursed funds of, or owing to, the Township during the preceding calendar year unless a certified public accountant or firm is appointed. The Board meets annually on the first Tuesday of the year to elect officers. They are also responsible for setting the salary of any Township Supervisor employed by the Township.
- Elizabeth Youse
- Kimberly Reif
- Beth Rodman
Building Code Board of Appeals
The board listens to appeals of code interpretation from the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
- Raymond Foisy
- Matthew Piotrowski, Architect
- William Newman
- Timothy Hoban
- Robert Rosser
Emergency Services Board
- Frank Fenton
- Adam Selisker
- Steve LeCompte
- Jason Dowd
Historical Commission
The commission identifies and preserves historical sites, buildings, papers, documents and relics of historical significance to the Township.
Meeting Schedule
2nd Monday @ 6:30 pm
Northampton Township Archives
Free Library of Northampton Township
25 Upper Holland Road, Richboro, PA 18954
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
- Melissa Foulke
- Augusto Gregori
- Eric Ebert
- Gregory Beatty
- Vacancy
- Archivist: Kristi Chase
For additional information about records or archives materials, please contact the Archivist:
Library Board
Meeting Schedule
2nd Thursday @ 7PM
Free Library of Northampton Township
25 Upper Holland Road, Richboro, PA 18954
- Russell "Chip" Heim
- Janet Braker
- Dr. Michael May
- Eleanora Rosso
- Larry Bluementhal
- Charles Beem
- Jessica Freundel
Northampton Bucks County Municipal Authority Board
- Stephen McGill
- Edward Farling
- Vincent Deon
- Charles Rehm
- Jamie Waters
- Michael Sullivan, Executive Director
Parks and Recreation Board
The board makes decisions regarding parks and recreational activities within the Township.
Meeting Schedule
1st Thursday @ 7:00 p.m. (Agenda Review @ 6:30 p.m.)
*Additional meetings may be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
- Jim Hembree
- John Bishop
- Steve Bryer
- Mary Anderson
- Martin Wade
Pension Fund Advisory Committees
There are two committees: one for uniform pension plan issues and the other for non-uniform pension plan issues. Both committees advise and make recommendations concerning these pension plans to the Board of Supervisors.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission serves as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors on matters of planning and development within the township, including the review of proposed zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances. They function in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).
Meeting Schedule
2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. (Agenda Review @ 6:30 p.m.)
*Additional meetings may be held on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
- Steve Saddlemire
- Mark Shapiro
- David Deola
- Michael Enz
- Patrick McGuigan
- Michael Bidwell, Alternate
- Janet Kifolo, Alternate
Southwestern Bucks County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWBSWAC)
The multi-municipal committee (Northampton Township, Upper Southampton Township, and Lower Southampton Township) discusses issues pertaining to waste management and provides recommendations to each township's board of supervisors.
Tri-Hampton Rescue Squad
- Scott Dengler, President
Vacancy Board
- David Breidinger
Veterans Advisory Commission
The commission advises and assists the Board with the Township's veteran population issues.
Meeting Schedule
3rd Monday @ 7 p.m.
- Thomas Yaegel
- Wendell Rich
- Kristin Reilly, Chairman
- David Reese
- Michael Pinciotti
- Erik Saracino
- James Coulbourn Jr.
Volunteer Fire Company
- Matt Sklodowski, President
- Adam Selisker, Fire Chief
- Rob Holmes, Deputy Fire Chief
Wall of Honor Committee
The objective of the Wall of Honor Program is to see that individuals which have made valuable and lasting contributions to the community are recognized. The honoree will be selected by a committee based on specific criteria. Nominations accepted by November 30 annually. For more information, click here for Wall of Honor information.
- Steven Bryer
- Gary Stoerrle
- Douglas Dwyer
- Peter Spera
- Gerald Bowen
- Kimberly Rose
- William Wert
Zoning Hearing Board
The board is a quasi-judicial body who hears requests for variances and special exceptions from the terms of the zoning ordinance. They also hear appeals on interpretations from the zoning officer. They function in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) and all hearings are conducted as outlined in its requirements.
Meeting Schedule
2nd and 4th Monday @ 6 p.m.
*These meetings are held as needed.
- John Fenningham
- Dr. Richard Lynen
- Ted Hauptman
- Dan Wasserstrom, Alternate
- Michael Hartey, Alternate