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Holland Streetscape Improvements

Project Summary

This project will re-align the intersection of Buck Road and Old Bristol Road at a 90-degree angle, add dedicated left turn lanes on both roads, and replace the traffic signals.  In addition, a new bridge will be constructed over Mill Creek to allow greater vehicle stacking in the left turn lane westbound on Buck Road to improve traffic conditions. 

Finally, the eastern portion of Buck Road from Chinquapin Road eastbound to Old Bristol Road will be improved with sidewalks and decorative streetlights.  PennDOT has indicated that Buck Road will be open to traffic during construction, but delays should be expected.  

The Township completed preliminary engineering design in 2021 at a cost of $460,000, and  PennDOT has assumed the cost of final engineering design and construction.  The estimated bid date for this project is June 2026. The estimated project cost is $11 Million.

Buck Road (Holland) Streetscape Improvements

Buck Road (Holland) Streetscape Improvements