February 1, 2023
Trash & Recycling Information
Important Service Update for Our Valued Residents
The Township recently signed a new contract for waste collection with Whitetail Disposal that includes several important changes in the way our trash and recycling are collected.
All residents should have received a new trash can. The collection days under the new contract will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please refer to the post card you received as it will tell each resident their collection day. The postcards will list a dedicated phone number, nhtwp@whitetaildisposal.com email and a QR code to link to the new dedicated Northampton Township Trash Website: https://www.whitetaildisposal.com/municipality/northampton-township/
In addition to details about all collection services, other notable features on the website include a “Searchable Service Map” to search our Northampton Township service map and find out your pickup day for trash and recycling.
Another great feature of the new contract, residents who “Want to Stay in Touch” will also be able to register and email address with Whitetail to receive email updates about your service including weather and holiday delays.
As part of the new contract that is effective starting January 1, 2023, certain households will receive new wheeled trash containers that will be collected using an automated collection method. This involves the use of trucks with automatic lifting arms operated by the driver that pick-up waste containers and deposit the contents directly into the truck, or into a container mounted to the front of the truck. Automated collection is more efficient, cost effective, and safer for sanitation workers than traditional collection practices.
Residents in higher density townhouse/condo neighborhoods like Tapestry and Village Shires will continue to have their trash manually collected as they have for many years. They will not be receiving wheeled trash containers.
All recycling materials must be placed at the curb using existing green recycling containers.
All leaf and yard waste must be disposed of with your regular trash in the new trash can from now until March 31st.
We recommend repurposing your old trash cans for yard waste, storage or other needs. However, if you do not wish to keep your old trash cans, please place them upside down and mark an “X” on the bottom.
All wheeled containers for residential trash and recycling must be placed at the curb with the front of the container facing the street preferably by midnight the night before your designated collection day.
Whitetail Disposal will be the point of contact for all trash, yard waste, recycling, and bulk pick-up concerns with personnel dedicated to address all issues related to waste collection in the Township.
There are two ways to report an issue, ask a question or schedule a bulk pick-up.
- Direct Dial: 610-936-9967
- Email: nhtwp@whitetaildisposal.com
- Website: whitetaildisposal.com/municipality/northampton-township
Please call the company 24 hours in advance of your regular collection day to schedule bulk item collection.
Thank you for patience and cooperation during this transition period.
February 1, 2023