PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Northampton Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Northampton Township Municipal Building, 55 Township Road, Richboro, PA to consider the following application:
- Case No. 2024-18, the application of Igor Arbitman for the property located at 36 Thoroughbred Drive, Holland, Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, identified as Tax Map Parcel No. 31-53-101. The property is located in the R-1, Single-Family, zoning district. The property is improved with a single-family detached residential dwelling developed as part of a cluster-designed subdivision. The Applicant proposes to cover an existing open deck. The Applicant seeks variances from the following sections of the Northampton Township Zoning Ordinance: (a) from §27-903.4.C. to permit an impervious surface ratio of 30.8%, where the existing ratio is 28.85%, and the maximum ratio permitted by right is 22%; and (b) from §27-1127 to permit the impervious surface ratio to exceed the additional 5% allotment when a stormwater management system is installed.
The application and accompanying documents are available for review. Please contact Mike Solomon, Director of Planning and Zoning, at 215-357-6800, extension 214, or by e-mail at msolomon@nhtwp.org, so that arrangements can be made to provide the documents to you. If any person with a disability wishes to attend the hearing scheduled for this date and requires an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodations to participate, please phone 215-357-6800 to discuss how Northampton Township may best accommodate your needs.
Northampton Township Zoning Hearing Board
John C. Fenningham, Esq., Chair
By: Thomas J. Walsh III, Esq., Solicitor