Meeting Chairs

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Northampton Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Northampton Township Municipal Building, 55 Township Road, Richboro, PA, to consider the following applications:


  1. Case No. 2025-1, the application of Justin and Kim Lancaster for the property located at 15 Kings Lane, Richboro, Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, identified as Tax Map Parcel No. 31-12-8. The property is located in the R-2, Single-Family, zoning district.  The property is improved with a single-family detached residential dwelling and detached storage shed.  The applicants propose an addition to the dwelling.  The applicants seek a variance from Northampton Township Zoning Ordinance §27-406.2.A(4)(a) to permit the addition to have a front yard setback of 35 feet, where the required minimum front yard setback is 50 feet.


  1. Case No. 2025-2, the application of Anthony and Heather O’Hare for the property located at 322 Worthington Mill Road, Richboro, Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, identified as Tax Map Parcel No. 31-45-122. The property is located in the AR, Agricultural-Residential, zoning district.  The property is improved with a single-family detached residential dwelling.  The applicants propose an attached in-law suite addition to the existing dwelling.  The applicants seek a variance from Northampton Township Zoning Ordinance §27-303.1.A(4)(b) to permit the addition to have a side yard setback of 24.54 feet, where the required minimum side yard setback is 30 feet.


  1. Case No. 2025-3, the application of the Tabor Investment, LP, for the properties located along Commerce Drive at its intersection with Jacksonville Road, Ivyland, Northampton Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, identified as Tax Map Parcel Nos. 31-1-1-8 and 31-1-1-9. The properties are located in the I-1, Planned Industrial/Office, zoning district.  The properties are unimproved.  The Applicant proposes a residential development consisting of 21 townhomes in 5 buildings, with drive aisles, off-street parking, and stormwater management facilities.  The Applicant seeks variances from the following sections of the Northampton Township Zoning Ordinance:  (a) from §27-602.1 to construct the single-family attached townhome-style residential dwelling uses where such use in not permitted in the I-1 zoning district; (b) from §27-603.2.G to permit setbacks of 24 feet and 50 feet from each abutting street, where the required minimum setback is 100 feet; (c) from §27-603.2.H to permit a rear yard setback of 30 feet, where the required minimum side yard setback is 75 feet from an abutting residential district; (d) from §27-1105.1.B to permit deck and patio portions of the townhomes to be located in the front yard; and (e) from §27-1105.3.D to permit deck and patio portions of the townhomes to be located in the side yard.

 The application and accompanying documents are available for review.  Please contact Mike Solomon, Director of Planning and Zoning, at 215-357-6800, extension 214, or by e-mail at, so that arrangements can be made to provide the documents to you.  If any person with a disability wishes to attend the hearing scheduled for this date and requires an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodations to participate, please phone 215-357-6800 to discuss how Northampton Township may best accommodate your needs.


Northampton Township Zoning Hearing Board

John C. Fenningham, Esq., Chair

By:  Thomas J. Walsh III, Esq., Solicitor

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