PA DEP Issues drought watch for Bucks County
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has issued a drought watch for Bucks County, and the surrounding counties in Southeast Pennsylvania. Northampton Township is urging residents to conserve water wherever…
State Awards Northampton Township $1M For New Fire Station
The following excerpt is from an article published by on October 7, 2024. NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP, PA —Northampton Township has been awarded a $1 million state grant through the Redevelopment…
NOTICE-Annual Fall Flushing of Fire Hydrants and Water Mains
The following Notice was issued by the Northampton, Bucks County Municipal Authority (NBCMA) The Annual Fall Flushing of Fire Hydrants and Water Mains will take place Monday, October 21, 2024…
Drug Take Back Drive-By Drop Off
Northampton Township Police Department is participating in the DEA National Take Back event at two locations on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Drop-Off Locations: Northampton…
Reminding Commuters Of Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law
Believe it or not, back to school time has arrived in Bucks County and TMA Bucks' Community Traffic Safety Program is reminding commuters of Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law with…
Effective today Sunday March 5, 2023 Northampton Township Fire Department has expanded career firefighter coverage to a 24/7/365 truck manned in the Richboro Station. Previously, the career staff was covering…
ATTENTION: Bulk Item Information
Bulk Waste is large items of refuse including, but not limited to, furniture, carpet, mattresses, and appliances normally generated at a residential property. This does not include construction material…
Recognize a Veteran by Purchasing a Brick In Their Honor
Family and friends have an opportunity to honor a special veteran with the purchase of a memorial brick in their honor. The cost is $100 per brick The Memorial Walkway…
Dear Northampton, In recent months, the Township has received questions about the land development process. To help address this complicated issue, the following “Land Development Process Q&A” article will run…